Requirements for monitoring sales results

To create sales entries that contain note-based charges for new contracts, then you must first activate the note-based charge and define the payment terms. See Maintaining customer contract charges.

To use estimates, call-in estimates, or both for monitoring sales results for a cycle, you must add steps to your daily work. That is, to get the monitoring capability, you must make multiple sales entries for the sales cycle. If you decide not to monitor sales results, you must add one kind of sales entry, the actual invoice sales entries, for customer contracts.

In addition, to use estimates, then you must wait until the second sales cycle after installation and setup before you can run your first estimates. This delay happens because you must create manual sales entries in the first cycle to establish data on which to base estimates.

If the value of estimating sales results is more valuable than the labor cost of creating two or three kinds of sales entries, then use estimates and call-in estimates.