Method 1: copying budgets within a specific company

If you want to create budget records with decimals, then you must define a header on Define Budget (FB20.2) and set the Allow Amount Decimals flag to Yes (Y). If you create a budget that does not include decimals, then a header is created automatically when you run Intracompany Mass Budgeting (FB120).

Note:  Intracompany Mass Budgeting (FB120) will copy a budget designated as Double Entry and/or Commitment, but it creates the new budget without these designations. The copy will create new header and detail records, but will not copy existing transactions and related records.
  • Access Intracompany Mass Budgeting (FB120). These options are available to copy budgets within a specific company:

Option 1: copying actuals to budget

Option 2: revising existing budget data

  • You can use the Change function to revise a budget with new budget data. See Changing a budget.

Option 3: creating budget templates

  • You can use the Copy function to create a budget template. This option lets you copy an existing budget without transferring budget amounts. See Creating a budget template.