Defining budget header information

You must define a header for each budget that you create. The budget header is a shell where you assign a unique budget number to a specific company and fiscal year. To access the Define Budget (FB20.2) subform, select New Budget in Period Budget, Rate (FB20.1). This is your entry point to define budgets. Use this procedure to define budget header information before you define a budget.

  1. Access Define Budget (FB20.2).
  2. Define the budget header information using these guidelines:

    Select the company that you will define the budget header information.


    When you select a company, the fiscal year defined for that company is used as default.

    Note: You can define header information for any fiscal year.

    Select the new budget number. You can define up to 999 different budget numbers for one company and year. Specify a description of the budget.

    Currency Code

    Select the currency code that you will attach to the budget.

    Note: The currency you assign to this budget can be different than the base currency.
    Allow Amount Decimals

    Optional. Select Yes (Y) to allow decimals in your budget.

    Note: If you select Yes, and change the value to No at a later date, then the budget amounts can change because of rounding.
    Allow Unit Decimals

    Select Yes (Y) to allow decimals in units. Spaces in this field equals a Yes value.

    Note: If you select Yes, and change the value to No at a later date, then the unit values may change because of rounding.
    Double Entry

    This field determines where the budget will be updated. Select Yes if you want to update the budget by using the double entry function on Budget Journal Entry (FB40.1). Select No to update the budget on FB20.1.

    Select Budget Edits on Release to perform budget edit checks when a budget journal entry is released.

    Note: If you select Yes, then Double Entry will show under Company in FB20.1.

    See Processing budget journal entries.

    Commitment Budget

    This field determines whether General Ledger commitments are edited against this budget. See Processing commitments, encumbrances, and budget edits.

    Note: If you select Yes in this field, then Commitment Budget will show under the budget description on FB20.1. You can set up only one commitment budget per year for a company.
  3. Select the Add special action to define the new budget header information.
  4. (Optional) You can select Lock to secure budget data in Lock (FB20.5). Use these guidelines to specify the field values:
    Lock Budget

    Select Yes (Y) to lock the budget.

    Note: Locking prevents the budget from getting deleted or changed. You can select No (N) to unlock a budget that was previously locked.
    User Class

    To limit who can lock and unlock budgets, select a user class to secure the locking procedure.

    Note: You define a user class in Budget User Class (FB01.1).