Transferring a budget

Note: This procedure uses the translation rates defined in Company Translation Rates (CU20.1) and the translation code defined in Translation Code (CU05.1). See General Ledger User Guide.

You can transfer budget amounts for purposes of reporting and consolidation. You can transfer budget amounts from one company to another, or from one budget in a company to another budget in the same company. If currency rates for the budgets differ, then the amounts are translated, using translation codes in the currency table. When you run this program for balance sheet budgets, year-to-date budgets are translated. When you run it for income statement budgets, period budgets are translated. Use this procedure to transfer budgets.

  1. Access Currency Translation (FB195).
  2. Information is transferred based on the From Company/To Company parameters. Use these guidelines to specify the field values:
    Run Group

    Select the run group for the accounts and accounting units that you will transfer.

    From Company, To Company

    Select the company number that you will transfer the budgets from. Select the company number that you will transfer the budgets to. If you are transferring between budgets within the same company, then select the same 'From' and 'To' company.

    Note: A currency relationship must exist between the From Company base currency and the To Company base currency. See the information about defining currency relationships in General Ledger User Guide. You must also set up a currency relationship between the From budget currency and the To budget currency.
    From Budget

    Select the budget number that you will transfer from.

    To Budget

    For intra-company transfers, specify a new budget number that you will transfer to.

    Translation Rate

    To override the translation rate assigned to the To Currency, specify a different translation rate.


    Select the currency of the To Budget.

    Translation Level

    (Optional) You can select the variable level that you will consolidate and transfer the budgets at. You can select from these options:

    • 0 (Blank) = Consolidates and transfers budgets at the company level. This option requires an accounting unit to store budgets in.

    • 1-4 = Levels. Consolidates and transfers budgets at a specific variable level.

    • 5 = All Posting AU. Consolidates and transfers budgets for all posting accounting units.

      The default setting is 0.

    Accounting Unit

    If you are transferring budgets at the company level, then select the accounting unit where the To Company places budgets.

    Account Detail

    (Optional) This field determines the level of account detail. The default setting is Subaccount (S), which transfers amounts at the subaccount level. If you select Account (A), then amounts are consolidated and transferred at the account level.


    Select the budget number that you will transfer. You must select at least one budget; you can include up to 10 different budgets.

    Fiscal Year

    Select the fiscal year that you are transferring the budgets in. If you leave this field blank, then the current year becomes the default value.

    Note: The fiscal year that you run this program for must be the same fiscal year defined in Currency Table Translation Rates (CU20.1). See the General Ledger User Guide.

    Select a beginning and ending period range that you will transfer the budgets. If you leave the beginning period blank, then budgets are transferred for all periods within your company. If you leave the ending period blank, then the default value will use the beginning period.

    Include Units

    This field determines if units are included in the translation calculation. The default setting is No.


    This field determines whether budget information is updated in the To Company. The default setting is No, which only creates a report that shows the changes. If you select Replace Records, then the existing records are replaced by the transferred records. If you select Append Records, then new records are added to the existing records.


    This field determines if the report prints.