Compute statement

A compute statement is an arithmetic equation that consists of Lawson data dictionary names, operation symbols, and numeric values that enables you to create customized calculation formulas. In the Budgeting application, you can use compute statements to calculate budget amounts or units.

These are examples of compute statements:

Budget Compute statement Explanation
To calculate a budgeted amount multiplied by a percentage CPBUD(101) * 1.05

CP represents current period

BUD is the data dictionary name

101 represents the budget number

* represents multiply

1.05 is the percentage

To calculate the average of two current period budgets (CPBUD(90) + CPBUD(95)) / 2

CP represents current period

BUD is the data dictionary name

90 and 95 are the budget years

+ represents add

/ represents divide

2 represents the number that the sum total is divided by