Real-world scenarios

Where "PunchInVendor flag" is mentioned, one should read it to mean the inclusion of an <Extrinsic> element in the PunchOutOrderMessage document, specifically: <Extrinsic name="PunchInVendor">true</Extrinsic>. It should be present in the PunchOutOrderMessage document in the location where <Extrinsic> elements are normally expected. Refer to the cXML specifications for more details on <Extrinsic> elements and PunchOutOrderMessage document structure.

  • "Standard" Procurement Punchout

    • No "PunchInVendor" flag present in the PunchOutOrderMessage. (any and all items processed are treated as X-type (Special) items)

    • No additional mappings in Infor Lawson Requisition Center configuration file required.

  • "Simple" mapping of extra data

    • No "PunchInVendor" flag present in the PunchOutOrderMessage. (any and all items processed are treated as X-type (Special) items)

    • Additional data, mutually agreed upon by you and your business partner, is sent in <Classification> or <Extrinsic> elements.

    • Mapping this extra information to the Lawson Requisitions Center application should be accomplished using the existing <mapping> instruction procedure.

  • "Complex" Procurement Punchout using the "PunchIn" feature

    • Item identifier passed by the vendor in the PunchOutOrderMessage document must be a valid Lawson item. Otherwise "unexpected results" will occur.

    • "PunchInVendor" flag is present and has a value of "true" in the PunchOutOrderMessage, which means that any and all items processed will not be treated as "X-type (Special) items", but as any of the other Lawson standard item types (Inventory/Stock/Non-stock). Information about the item will not come from the PunchOutOrderMessage but from the results of the item lookup in your ITEMMAST.

    • Little to no extra mapping instructions should be necessary, as most of the data contained in the PunchOutOrderMessage are ignored; data will come instead from a lookup of the item identifier in your own Lawson system (item master).

    Key points to keep in mind:

    • It is the PunchInVendor flag which controls which logic branch the Infor Lawson Requisition Center will use to process the received item(s).

    • PunchInVendor flag NOT PRESENT means "standard" PunchOut processing will occur. It is assumed that the item number contained in the PunchOutOrderMessage is not your Lawson Item Number and no lookup of the item number is attempted. X-type (Special) items are the result.

    • PunchInVendor flag PRESENT and has a value of "true" means the item type and all other properties of the item will come from/will be determined by the ITEMMAST lookup of the item.