How Procurement Punchout determines user information in a PunchOutSetupRequest document
This section shows how Procurement Punchout determines the First name, Last name and Email address that is sent in the <Contact> section of the PunchOutSetupRequest document.
Certain PunchOut-enabled vendors want to see the name and email address of the individual performing the PunchOut activity.
Technical details: In the cXML PunchOutSetupRequest document, there is a <Contact> section. Beginning with 9x versions of IOS/LSF, there are environment variables available that may contain this information (first/last/email), and are used if they exist. Otherwise, existing logic for constructing the name/email address is performed. See hierarchy:
Dependencies: LSF 9x or higher.
Hierarchy of email address construction:
If a Punchout Attribute named "UserEmail" is present, this value is used for the email address.
If the Resource Manager (RM) contains a value in the Email field for that user, that value is used for the email address.
If there is no value in the Email field of RM, but values exist for the First and Last names of the user, these values are used to construct an email address, using the "emailDomainName" setting from the Requisition Center (RQC) configuration file.
If none of the previous apply, then the Requester's ID, plus the value of the "emailDomainName" setting in the Requisition Center (RQC) configuration file is used to construct an email address.