Define vendor information in dispatcherPO_config.xml file

  1. Open the dispatcherPO_config.xml file with a text editor.
  2. Find the vendortemplate group of elements, which looks similar to this:
                    <vendor id="xxxx-YYYYYYYYYY" serviceName="vendorTemplate"> 
    <setting id="postToServer" value="Vendor_Server:Port_reference_goes_here"/> 
    <setting id="postToService" value="Vendor_WebProgram_reference_goes_here"/> 
    <setting id="notificationEmailAddress" value=""/> 
    <setting name="To" id="DUNS" value=""/> 
    <setting name="From" id="NetworkId" value=""/> <!-- "Sender" and "From" values are often the same --> 
    <setting name="Sender" id="NetworkId" value=""/> 
    <setting name="password" id="SharedSecret" value="yourAgreedUponSecret"/> 
    <setting id="deploymentMode" value="test"></setting> <!-- "production" or "test" --> 
  3. Using the information provided by the vendor, edit these settings:
    • Vendor, id="xxxx-YYYYYYYYYY" Replace xxxx with a company number; YYYYYYYYYY with the Vendor number. Do not embed spaces.

    • Vendor, serviceName= Specify a descriptive label for this vendor

    • Setting, id="postToURL", value=Specify the URL of the Punchout site. This is provided by the vendor.

    • Setting, id="notificationEmailAddress" value=Specify the valid email address of the individual(s) who are tasked with monitoring ProcessFlow. The address(es) specified will get emails regarding processing failures.

    • Setting, name="To", id=DUNS | NetworkId, value=Specify your specific identification here. Often, this is a value agreed upon between customer and vendor. If a DUNS number, then specify "DUNS" for the "id=" value; otherwise, specify "NetworkId".

    • Setting "name="From", id=DUNS | NetworkId, value=Specify your specific identification here. Often, this is a value agreed upon between customer and vendor. If a DUNS number, then specify "DUNS" for the "id=" value; otherwise, specify "NetworkId".

    • Setting, name="Sender", id=DUNS | NetworkId, value=Specify your specific identification here. Often, this is a value agreed upon between customer and vendor. If a DUNS number, then specify "DUNS" for the "id=" value; otherwise, specify "NetworkId".

    • Setting, name="password", id="SharedSecret", value= Specify the value agreed upon by customer and vendor.

    • Setting, name="deploymentMode", value= Specify "test" or "production" as applicable.

    Repeat these steps for each vendor you are punching out to.

  4. Save and close the file.