Using FTP method

Select 'FTP' as the method for exchanging data using FTP. Select "LAWS" as the Provider for using Lawson provided FTP interface. If you wish to use LexiCom for FTP, see the LexiCom section of this document.

User Field 1 is used to specify file name. If this field has a value, when files are uploaded to the server the value is used followed by .timestamp. For example, if User Field 1 contained "ACME", the file on the server could be named ACME.20091015102359.

User Field 2 is used to specify options for the FTP connection. Values are separated by a colon (":").

FTP connection options

User field 2 can be used for specifying the FTP connection parameters: debug, active or passive ftp connections, ascii or binary data transfers, and an ftp timeout parameter. Parameters are delimited by a colon (:). If a parameter is blank the default value is used.

The order of the parameters is debug:connection:mode:timeout.

Valid Values:

  • Debugging:"d" or "debug" or "1" to enable, "0" or "off" to disable. If blank, defaults to 0;

  • Connection:"1" or "p" or "passive" for passive connections, "0" or "a" or "active" for active connections. If blank, defaults to "1";

  • Mode: "0" or "a" or "ascii" for ascii transfers, "1" or "b" or "binary" for binary transfers. If blank, defaults to "binary".

  • Timeout: specify a time out in seconds, the default is 120.


  • To enable only FTP Debug Trace, specify just a 1 in User Field 2. This is equivalent to "1:p:b:120"

  • To enable only an active FTP connection, specify ":a" in User Field 2. This is equivalent to "0:a:b:120".

  • To enable debug with a ascii transfer: specify "1::a" in User Field 2. This is equivalent to "1:p:a:120"

  • To change only the timeout to 3 minutes (180 seconds): specify ":::180" in User Field 2. This is equivalent to "0:p:b:180".

  • To enable debug, with an active connection, ascii transfer and 4 minute time out: specify "1:a:a:240" in User Field 2.

Using a temporary send directory

If your FTP site provider uses a temporary directory for the initial put and requests that you move the file to the final destination directory, you can specify both directories in User Field 3 separating them with a comma. The format is tempdirectory,finaldirectory.

Note: This is a change from previous releases.

If directory structure is similar to this:



then specify in User Field 3: send, commit

If the final directory is at the same level as the temporary directory, you need to include the "../" in the finaldirectory name. If the FTP directory structure is similar to this:



then specify in User Field 3: temp, ../inbound

Rename files received

If the remote system, prefers that you move files to a different directory after receiving them, you can specify both directories in User Field 4 separating them with a comma. The format is getdirectory,movedirectory.

If directory structure is similar to this:



then specify in User Field 3: receive, save

If the final directory is at the same level as the temporary directory, you need to include the "../" in the finaldirectory name. If the FTP directory structure is similar to this:



then specify in User Field 4: outbound, ../save

Setup for using FTP with LAWS provider

Carrier Carrier Name. This can be any unique value.
Method FTP
Provider LAWS
Host DNS name or IP address of the remote FTP server.
Login User ID used to access the system
Access Password used to access the remote system.
User Field 1 .filename – name to using when putting the file on the remote server.
User Field 2 .FTP Options – if left blank defaults to Debug Off, Passive, Binary, 120.
User Field 3 Directory to put files in
User Field 4 Directory to get files from
User Field 5 Not used
User Field 6 Not used.