Prerequisites and setup

Before running Acknowledgement Print Report (OE112), an order must be created in Sales Order Import (OE510) or Item Speed Entry (OE10) and released in Item Speed Entry (OE10) or Batch Order Release (OE110).

Each Customer to which you send an EDI 855 Order Acknowledgement must have an EDI Number specified on their Customer (AR10.1) record. This number is the EDI Nbr on Trading Partner Setup (ED10.1).

Use Acknowledgement Print Report (OE112) to check whether a Ship To (BL02.1) record is connected to the order that is being acknowledged. If there is a ship to record, and the record has an EDI Number, then that number is written to the Ship To EDI Number field in the flat file that is created. If there is no ship to record, or there is no EDI Number on the ship to record, then OE112 gets the EDI Number from AR10 and writes it to the Ship To EDI Number field in the flat file that is created.

The Acknowledgement required flag must be Yes in the Customer Order, Billing (AR10.4) or the Order Options (OE12.1) so that it can be picked up by the Acknowledgement Print Report (OE112) for acknowledgement.