(Your) ISA ID
Your value for this trading partner's interchange
(Partner's) ISA ID
Your partner's own value for their interchange
(Your) GS ID
Your value for this trading partner's group
set ID.
(Partner's) GS ID
Your trading partner's own value for their
group set ID.
Trans Type
The ACS X12 transaction set type.
Std Version
The ASC X12 release you agreed to use.
(Your) ISA ID
Your ISA (UNB) ID.
(Partner's) ISA ID
Your partner's ISA (UNB) ID.
(Your) GS ID
Your value for this trading partner's group
set ID.
(Partner's) GS ID
Your trading partner's own value for their
group set ID.
Trans Type
The UN/EDIFACT message.
Std Version
The UN/EDIFACT release you agreed to use.
When an inbound file is translated, the translator looks in
the trading partner database for a match for the values in all six
of these fields. If EDI cannot find an exact match in the trading
partner database for these six fields, it will generate the "Trading
Partner Not Found" error.