Interfacing an order into Lawson

You can interface orders created from other sources into Lawson. This procedure explains how to interface orders into Lawson, by customer number or by EDI number.

  1. Access Sales Order Import (OE510).
  2. Select the company, process level, and order type.
  3. Define the parameters for interfaced orders. Use these guidelines to specify the field values:
    Import Type

    Select how to import the order (by EDI number or customer number). If you select By EDI Number, then the orders must be for a customer who has EDI information set up in the Accounts Receivable application. The program expects an EDI number to be found in the import file.

    If you select By Customer Number, then the program expects a customer number to be found in the import file.

    Hold Code

    If you want a hold code placed on all error-free orders interfaced into Lawson, then select a hold code in this field.

    You set up hold codes using Hold Code (AR16.1).


    Select an inventory location to for orders that do not have a location selected.

    Order Source

    Select an order source to default specific order types into Order Entry.


    Select whether to update records and create the orders:

    • Yes (add if errors): Orders are created. For records with order lines in error, order headers are created but are put on hold using the error hold code specified. Lines that are in error are not created.

    • No (edit only): Error are listed, but orders are not created.

    • Check (add if no errors): Orders are created, but only for orders with no lines in error.

    Error Hold Code

    Select a hold code to place on orders that have order lines in error that need to be put on hold.

    If you select Yes or Check in the Update field, then you must select an error hold code.


    Specify the name of the file to import. The file must be located in this directory:

    • Unix: $LAWDIR/ productline /work/ filename

    • Windows: %LAWDIR%\ productline \work\ filename

    If left blank, then the default file name SALESORDERS is used.

    Processing Option

    Select whether to import from a flat file or a csv.

    Delete Input File

    Select whether to delete the CSV or flat file after the program has been processed.

  4. Select the Add form action.
  5. Submit the job.