Changing order information for all new items (header level)

Note: When you change order information, the new details only affect new lines that are added to the order. Details on changing details for all items are found elsewhere in this user guide.
  1. Access Item Entry (OE10.3). See Options for changing order information.
  2. Inquire on an order.
  3. To change information for all items (at the header level), click Order Options. Consider these tabs:
    Process Define if the order is a future order, ship complete, or sales quote. Also add hold codes or limit backorders.
    Freight Add freight charges or list a freight carrier or shipping method.
    Tax Define if the order is taxable or tax exempt. If taxable, also define a tax code.
    Billing Define order discount. Also, define strategic ledger user analysis or activities.
    Payment Define downpayment information, terms, or payment details.
    Bill-to and Ship-to Maintain the customer bill-to and ship-to addresses.
    Intrastat Maintain Intrastat information, including the Nature of Transaction code, delivery terms, and the transport mode.
    Sales Rep Maintain the sales representative for this order.
    User Fields Define your own details about the order.
  4. Select the Change form action to save the order options.
  5. Select the Change form action to save the changes to the order.