Applying additional discounts
You can apply discounts to an entire order, or to an individual line. You may apply a discount, for example, if there was an error on a customer delivery. This procedure explains how to apply discounts to the order.
Note: If the order is an electronic payment order, then the
application does not allow you to apply a discount to the order because
of the fee you incur to process the order from your electronic payment
processor. If you want to give a discount to your customer, then enter
a credit memo separate from this order.
See Inquiring on an existing order. Follow these steps to apply additional discounts:
- Inquire on the existing order.
- Click Order Options.
- Select the Billing tab.
- Specify the discount amount in the Additional Discount field.
- Select the Change form action to save the order options.
- Select the Change form action to save the order.