Employee contracts
Employee contracts refer to the actual tasks performed by an employee as indicated in the employee contract agreement with the school district. Aside from the specific roles within the organization, this also defines the length of employment and information on salary and terms of payments.
The Employee Contract (CM13.1) is where employee's master contract is being set up. Every employee contract is tied to a work schedule and is uniquely identified by a contract number. A contract created for an employee can have a work schedule that is tied or not to the employee position. The CM13.1 holds the summary or totals of all the contract base assignments and the contract information derived from the Contract Rule (CM00.1) and Work Schedule (CM01.1).
The Contract Pay Administration manages two types of employee contract assignments: base contract assignments and supplemental assignments.
Base contract assignments
Base contract assignments determine the regular pay an employee is eligible to receive from the contract effective date to the contract end date. These are assignments tied to employee’s position with units and amount that affects the main contract (CM13.1) totals.
Employee contract master logging
You can assign attributes to the information stored on the employee contract (CM13.1) using Data Item Attributes (HR10.1). You can set the History flags for each field on Employee Contract (CM13.1), thus limiting the number of records created to only those fields you want to track.
Supplemental assignments
Supplemental assignments are additional tasks that an employee can perform to earn extra pay. These can be extracurricular activities such as coaching the soccer team, curriculum writing, or directing school plays. Unlike the base assignments, the supplemental assignments do not report the units and does not affect the contract amount and balances. Also, the position used for a supplemental assignment does not have to be an employee’s position.