Day codes

Day codes are used within the Teacher Contract Administration application to calculate employees’ compensation based on days worked. Day codes and their corresponding pay/work status include:

Day code Pay/Work status


Paid/Not Worked


Not Paid/Not Worked

Not Paid/Worked

Weekend Not Paid/Not Worked

For example, if a teacher contract spans a full year from August 1 to July 31 and the school year is from September 5 to May 25, then the Teacher Contract Administration application automatically assigns day codes to Date Detail Maintenance (CW02.1).

  • Days from August 1 to September 4 and days from May 25 to July 31 will be automatically marked with the Unpaid day code.

  • Days between September 5 and May 25 that fall between Monday through Friday will be automatically marked with the Paid day code.

  • Days between September 5 and May 25 that fall on Saturday or Sunday will be marked with the Weekend day code.

  • Holidays or other exception days must be manually maintained with a Paid/Not Worked or Paid/Worked status day code and days such as snow days must be manually maintained with a Not Paid/Not Worked status day code.