About time record

A time record is an Infor term for the record containing the type of pay, hours, and rate an employee will be paid. Usually, there is a one-to-one relationship that exists between an Infor Software time record and each line written on an employee's time card.

Time records are the basis for an employee's gross wages. Gross wages are calculated for an employee as you add time records based on the employee's salary class, the rate of pay, and the calculation type defined for the pay type specified.

The Contract Pay Administration provides five options to create time records. The Time Record Generation will dictate how time records are created and calculated having these selections:

Paid by Pay Cycle creates one time record for every pay cycle based on the employee’s potential earnings.
Paid by Work Period creates one time record for every work period within a pay cycle based on the employee’s potential earnings
Earned and Reserve by Pay Cycle creates an earned (based on the actual days worked) and reserve (potential earnings less the actual days worked) time records each pay cycle.
Earned by Work Period and Reserve by Pay Cycle creates earned time records per work period within a pay cycle and one reserve time record for the whole pay cycle.
Daily earned and Reserve by Pay Cycle creates daily time records based on actual work days within the pay cycle and a reserve time record for the whole pay cycle.