Running a Currency Exposure Report (GL296)

Use this program to display totals for each account that has a non-base account currency defined. You can run the report for a specific level or accounting unit or for an entire General Ledger company.

For example, you can run this program for a company with a base currency of US dollars, several accounts with an account currency of British Pounds, and several accounts with an account currency of Canadian dollars. The report calculates a total amount for the Pound accounts and a total amount for the Canadian dollar accounts.

You can run this report only if you have detail or posting currency accounts defined for your company. See Defining account currency.

Follow these steps to generate a currency exposure report:

  1. Access Currency Exposure Report (GL296).
  2. Specify your report parameters. Use these guidelines to specify the field values:
    Company / Company Group

    You must select a company or company group. You cannot select both.

    Accounting Units

    You can select up to six accounting units to report on. If you leave these fields blank, then the report includes all accounting units for the company or company group.

    Note: If you select accounting units and a company group, then all the accounting units must be valid for all the companies in the company group.
    Individual Reporting section

    Select the reporting level. You can run a currency exposure report for the company you selected and each level within the company. If you leave the level fields blank, then the company consolidation level becomes the default value.

    Year Code / Year / Period
    • You can select a year code to report on the current, last, or next year. If you select a year code, then the Year field must be blank.

    • If you do not select a year code, then you must specify a year in the Year field.

    • If the year code or year is not the current period, then you must specify the period for the report. If the year code is Next Year, then the period must be 1. If the year code or year is current, then the current period becomes the default value, but can be overridden.

    Report Sequence

    Select L (Level) to sort the report by level. Select A (Accounting Unit) to sort the report by accounting unit.

    Report Currency

    Select the currency to include in the report. You can select Account or Transaction currency. The default setting is Transaction currency.

    Transaction Currency

    You can specify or select a transaction currency code to include in the report. If you leave this field blank, then all currency transactions will print.

    Transaction Currency Report Sequence

    Select the type of currency to use for sorting the information in the report. You can select to sort by Account or Transaction Currency. The default setting is Transaction Currency.

Sample Currency Exposure Report

GL296 Date 11/07/00                                Company  526 - EURO IMPORT XPORT              USD                       Page    1
      Time 15:07                                   Currency Exposure Report
                                                   For Period 11 Ending November 30, 1999               Fiscal Year 1999

  Level - 01                                   Accounting Unit ACCT            Accounting                       Resp DJD

    Account Number                                    Beginning Balance            Activity      Ending Balance   Balance In USD
    -----------------------------------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ------------------  ----------------
     11300-0000  Cash-Other-This-is-the-sixty-chara               0.00            1,975.00            1,975.00              250.00
                                                     ------------------  ------------------  -----------------   ------------------
 Total     FRF   - French Franc                                   0.00            1,975.00            1,975.00              250.00

                   Total                                                                                                    250.00