Translating actual amounts

If you use report currency translation (intracompany) or currency translation (intercompany), then you can translate the company base currency amounts into report currency amounts.

If you use report currency translation (intracompany), then the company must have Yes selected in the Translation field and must have at least one report currency defined on the Currency tab of Company (GL10.1).

If you use currency translation (intercompany), then you must have a consolidation company defined with Consolidation selected in the Status field on the Main form tab of GL10.1. Each source company must have Yes selected in the Currency Translation field on the Currency form tab of GL10.1.

You can translate actual amounts in one of two ways:

Translating actual amounts using Report Currency Translation (Intracompany) Use Report Currency Translation (GL196) to translate actual amounts from the base currency of a company to the report currency (or currencies) of the same company. See Translating actual amounts using Report Currency Translation (Intracompany).
Translating actual amounts using Currency Translation (Intercompany) Use Translation Calculation (GL195) to translate actual amounts from the base currency of one or more companies to the base currency of a consolidation company. See Translating actual amounts using Currency Translation (Intercompany).