Burden code (AC/GM/BR)

Once a transaction is identified as being subject to burden processing, the system looks for the specific burden code that was assigned to the activity and account category in the transaction. A burden code identifies the specific burden cost you want to calculate, such as General and Administrative Overhead, Fringe Benefits, etc. You can calculate multiple burdens from a single source transaction. If you do calculate multiple burdens, you can define steps to include burden transactions in subsequent burden calculations.

Burden code assignment

Burden assignments identify the valid burden codes for a given activity group, posting activity or account category, and are defined on Burden Assignment (AC61.1). If no burden code is assigned to the activity group or activity in the transaction, it is not eligible for burden calculation. If one or more burden codes are found, then the transaction is eligible for burden calculation.

When you assign burden codes, indicate the specific set of criteria you want to associate with a burden code. These criteria are identified by a pool number and are referred to as the pool driver values.

About driver type

As part of defining a burden code, you must select the driver type for the burden code. The driver type identifies the components in the source transaction on which the burden calculation will be based. This table shows driver type options and how they affect transaction eligibility:

For driver type Transaction eligibility is based on
Work company and accounting unit The company and accounting unit in the source transaction
Employee company and accounting unit The company and accounting unit associated with the employee in the source transaction (defined in the employee record in Lawson Human Resources)
Activity company and accounting unit The company and accounting unit associated with the activity in the source transaction (defined in Activity (AC10.1))
Activity The activity in the source transaction
Account category The account category in the source transaction
Employee The employee in the source transaction
Salary class The salary class associated with the employee in the source transaction (defined in the employee record in Lawson Human Resources)
Job code The job code in the source transaction (job code must be established as a transaction attribute)


Because the burden is based on the account category in the source transaction, they select account category as the driver type.

These diagrams show the selections they made when defining the burden code using Burden Codes (AC60.1) and when assigning this burden code on Burden Assignment (AC61.1).

Illustration: Defining a burden code
Assigning a burden code