Follow-up tasks
Click Move to move the detail account
categories to another summary account category if needed. Use Move Detail Account Category (AC08.7) to select a
new parent summary account category and effective date for the detail
account category.
You can also use Move Summary Account Category (AC08.6) to change the position of a summary account category from one parent summary account category to a new parent summary account category. The new parent summary account category must have a depth level that is one less than the depth level of the account category being moved.
- Click Attrib to assign attribute values to account categories using Detail Account Category Attributes (AC16.2) or Summary Account Category Attributes (AC16.1).
- If you make any changes to the category structure, such as moving detail account categories, then you must run Structure Reorganization (AC108).
- You can create a new account category structure from an existing structure using Copy Category Structure (AC08.4). All summary and detail account categories are assigned to the new category structure and any parameters assigned to these account categories are also copied to the new structure.