Creating Attachments in Billing and Revenue Management

As you are setting up customers, invoices, and other Billing and Revenue Management entities, you can create attachments to provide more information for a particular component in the BR system. The following fields allow you to create an attachment:

Form Field
Customer (BR11.1)


(Right-click in the Customer field and select Attachments.)

Invoices (BR20.1, BR20.2, BR20.3, BR20.4, BR20.5, BR20.7)

Invoice Number

(Right-click in the Invoice Number field and select Attachments.)

You can add attachments at various levels on a invoice depending on the form you are using. For example, use Invoice Edit Line (BR20.2) to add attachments at the invoice line level.

Contract Modifications (BR10.5)


(Right-click in the Modification field and select Attachments.)

Invoice Detail lines (BR20.5)

Invoice Number (header level), or FC (line level)

(Right-click in the Invoice Number or FC field and select Attachments.)