Activity group levels

Activity group levels determine the structural hierarchy for activities in the activity group. Amounts and units are collected in the lowest (posting) level activities in the structure, then rolled up to the higher (summary) level activities in the structure. When determining the number of levels that you need, you should consider the work breakdown structure, and think about how you want to see activity information summarized.

Level size

When you create activity group levels, you must assign a size to each level. The level size determines the maximum number of activities that you can have at each level in the activity group hierarchy. For example, level 1 in the activity group structure identifies the project's phase and has been assigned a level size of 3. That means you can have up to 999 phases in the activity group.

Illustration: activity group level structure

Level sizing rules

These rules are applicable to level sizes:

  • You can define up to five levels of activities in an activity group.

  • The maximum size for any one level is 15 digits.

  • Total digits for all levels in the activity group should not exceed 30. For example, if you assign 4 digits to the first level in the activity group, then you have 26 remaining digits to use in subsequent levels.

  • You cannot change the size of a level once it has been defined. Ensure that you allow enough room for all the activities you need at a given level, taking future growth into consideration.

  • You can define unused levels in an activity group at any time.


SBC created an activity group to track the costs and billable activity related to client contracts. They defined the level sizes in their activity group as shown here:

Level Description Size
1 Client 4
2 Contract 3
3 Project 3

SBC has room for 9,999 clients in this activity group. Each client can have up to 999 contracts, and each contract can have up to 999 projects.