Defining a Ceiling and Tolerance at the Account Category Level

You can define a ceiling at the account category level to limit the amount that can be billed or recognized at this level. A tolerance defined at the account category level will allow additional billing or revenue recognition above the contract ceiling or ceilings defined at lower levels.

To define a ceiling and tolerance at the account category level

  1. Access Billing Detail (BR00.2).
  2. Select the activity and account category, contract category group, or summary account.
  3. Type a ceiling amount, and if applicable, tolerance amount, for the account category. The following rules apply to ceilings and tolerances:
    • If the ceiling is zero, a tolerance is not allowed.

    • If you change the ceiling or tolerance, the new ceiling plus tolerance must still exceed any previously billed amounts for the activity.

    • If an existing ceiling has already been exceeded using a tolerance, the ceiling can not be reduced.