How are Resource Rates Determined?

If you choose to use resource rates rather than table rates, you need to define rates by resource. You can assign resource rates to a specific activity group or activity using Assigned Person Resource Rates (AC18.1), or assign a global resource rate using Person Resource Rates (AC17.2). The application first checks to see if a specific rate has been assigned. If not, it will use the global resource rate. Rates can be assigned for any kind of resource. Setting up resources


SBC traditionally uses employees of their partners to work on large implementation projects. These employees are considered subcontractors of SBC. SBC does all the invoicing to the clients, so the clients get invoices from only one source.

To establish rates for the subcontractors, SBC sets up each subcontractor as a resource. The subcontractor's time can be imported or entered directly into the Billing and Revenue Management application. The billing rate is calculated by multiplying the hours entered times the billing rate assigned to the resource.