Notifying or Terminating COBRA Rights
List COBRA participants who have not been notified of their right to extend coverage or terminate an individual's rights to COBRA coverage if the individual has not responded to his or her notification letter.
If you run the report to list COBRA participants who have not been notified of their rights, the report lists COBRA participants whose Participant Notified field in Participant Dates (BN70.2) is blank.
If you run the report to terminate rights to COBRA coverage, the Benefits Administration application uses the Company Notified field in Participant Dates (BN70.2) to determine if the individual has exceeded the maximum number of allowed notification days, which is defined in the Election field in COBRA Parameters (BN00.2). If the difference between the Occurrence Date and Company Notified fields in COBRA Participant (BN70.1) is greater than the maximum number of allowed notification days, the COBRA participant's Termination Date becomes the same date as the COBRA participant's occurrence date.
To determine notification or terminate COBRA rights
- Access COBRA Notification Report (BN170).
- In the Parameters section, select the company. This is a required field.
- In the Report Option field, select the COBRA participants for whom the report is being run. This is a required field.
- In the Update field, select the action you want to perform. This is a required field. The Update option is valid only when the Report Option is No Response. If you select Update, the application cancels the right to extend coverage for any COBRA participant who has not notified the company of their benefit election. The COBRA participant's termination date becomes the same date as the COBRA participant's occurrence date.