Defining Flex Credits Based on Age

You can define flex credits based on the following credit tables: Age, service, dependents and lifestyle. This procedure outlines the tasks to define your flex credits based on age.

Before you define flex credits based on age, define the basic flex credit information. Defining flex credits

To define flex credits based on age

  1. Click the Age button, on Flex Credits (BN08.1), to open Age Credits (BN08.3).
  2. Select the date you want to use to determine employee age in the Date field. The table below explains the date options.
    Select To determine an employee's age
    Current on the system date flex credits are calculated.
    First of Month on the first of the month flex credits are calculated.
    As of Date on a particular month and day. The application uses the month and day that you specify in the AS of MMDD field.
  3. Use the following guidelines to complete the form:
    As of MMDD and Year

    Type the date you want to use to determine an employee's age for flex credit calculation.

    • If you selected As of Date in the Date field, type the month and day.

    • If you leave the Year field blank when you use the As of Date, the application calculates an employee's age on the latest month and day specified.

    • If you type a Year, the employee's age is determined on the exact month, day, and year you specify.

    Rate Table

    Select the table you want the application to use to calculate flex credits.

    Credit Per

    To give flex credits using the employee's annual salary rather than a flat amount, type the salary amount for each credit. The application calculates credits as follows: employee's salary/Credits Per * Credits.

    If you leave this field blank, age credits are a flat amount.


    If you don't want the application to use any rounding methods, select No.

    Minimum and Maximum

    Type the minimum and maximum credits an employee can receive based on age. Minimum and maximum credits apply only when credits are calculated based on the salary amount entered in the Credit Per field.

  4. Click the OK button.
  5. Select the Change form function for Flex Credits (BN08.1).