What are Benefit Automation Rules?

The Benefits Administration application automates benefit processing by stopping, changing, and adding benefits and flex credits based on employee changes made by personnel actions. You define automation rules that identify the personnel actions, including changes that impact benefits and the plans for which employee benefits are updated. In addition, you define when these rules will take effect. There are three automation rules: Add, Change and Termination.

Add rules determine the waiting period for employees who, as a result of a personnel action, become eligible to enroll in a benefit or a flex plan. Change rules determine the date used to update benefits for employees whose benefits change due to a personnel action. Termination rules determine the stop date for employees whose benefits should stop as a result of a personnel action.

You can define rules for a flex plan, benefit type, or a benefit plan. Using the rules defined for a flex plan, when an employee becomes ineligible due to a personnel action, the employee's flex credit record is stopped along with all the employee's benefits under the flex plan.