Defining Additional General Ledger Codes

General ledger codes are used to default a general ledger account on transactions. You already defined User defined codes such as: Accounts Receivable (AR), Received Not Applied (RNA), Finance (FIN), Prepayment (PREP), and Bills Of Exchange (BOE) accounts during Company setup. Define additional general ledger codes for your process levels, if needed.

To define additional General Ledger codes

  1. Access GL Code (AR15.7).
  2. Define additional general ledger codes if needed. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:
    Accounting Unit, Account, and Subaccount

    Must be valid general ledger accounts.

    Note: Once a GL code is attached to a process level on Process Level (AR02.1), you can not change the accounting information tied to the code in AR15.1. This is to keep the audit trail intact. If an account needs to be changed, you must inactivate the current code, add a new code linked to the correct GL account, and update your process level setup to reflect the new code from that point forward.

Related Reports and Inquiries

To Use
List General Ledger codes

Operational Setup 2 (AR215).

Select GL Code in the Report Option field.