Transaction History (AR294)
Use Transaction History Report (AR294) to list transactions for a range of general ledger dates for a company. You can select a process level or customer to further define the listing. You can include payments, non-accounts receivable payments, credit memos, invoices and debit memos, RTM debit memos, finance charge debit memos, chargeback debit memos, or all transactions on the report.
The form has two tabs; Selection and Transaction. Access the Selection tab to define selection criteria for the report. Access the Transaction tab to select the transactions that print on the report.
The report sorts selected transactions in payment, non-accounts receivable payment, credit memo, invoice, and debit memo order. Within each transaction type, the report sorts transactions by transaction date, customer, and transaction number order.
The report includes totals for unassigned payments, canceled payments, customer payments, non-accounts receivable payments, credit memos, invoices, RTM debit memos, finance charge debit memos, chargeback debit memos, and all debit memos. Application adjustments are not reflected on this report.