Setting system controls

There are two controls that you need to define: interface controls and closing controls. Interface controls determine how journal entries transfer to the general ledger. Closing controls determine if you must close the accounts receivable period before the general ledger period. See the General Ledger User Guide. Use this procedure to define system controls.

You must run System, Source Code Load (GL105) to load Lawson-defined system and source codes first before you use this program.

  1. Access System Control (GL01.1).
  2. Define the interface controls. Consider these fields.
    Journal Hold Code

    If you select a journal hold code in this field, then the hold code is assigned to all general ledger transactions that originate from this system for the company. You will need to take the journal hold code off before it will post to the GL.

    Ignore Activity

    If you select No, then the system will not summarize across activities. It will create a separate transaction line for each activity and account category within a posting account.

    If you select Yes, then the system will summarize across activities when creating GL transactions. It will substitute an activity called summarize. This means that you will lose the activity detail in GL.

    Ignore Base Zone

    This field determines whether the originating system-assigned Base Zone is assigned to the general ledger transaction.

    If your company uses Zone Balancing, then set this flag to Yes. The system will use the GL Default Zone when posting from the AR application.

    Default Journal Book

    If you select a journal book number in this field, then the system assigns this value to transactions that originate from this system code for the company without a journal book value.

  3. Define the closing controls. Consider these fields.

    Select if the system period must be closed before you can close the General Ledger period.

    Note: You should set your AR Company, Verify Post Flag to be the same as what you selected for the Control field.

    See Defining Processing Options.

    Valid Entry Dates

    This date range determines the valid posting dates that you can assign to a transaction during entry. If you leave these fields blank, then you can assign any valid date to a transaction for posting.

    Open Periods

    This field determines the number of periods that are open for transaction entry. The closing program for the system uses this value to automatically update the Valid Entry Date range by advancing the range forward by the number of periods specified.

  4. To link a general ledger company to more than one system code at the same time, click multiple entry to open System Control (GL01.2).
  5. If you have remote site processing or non-Lawson software, then click systems to open System Codes (GL01.4). Define your system codes here.

Related reports and inquiries

To Use
List the codes set up for all companies System Code Listing (GL201)