Open Chargeback (AR234)

Use Open Chargeback Report (AR234) to list open chargebacks for a company. You can select a customer, major class, minor class, process level, reason code, sales representative, or credit analyst to limit the chargebacks included on the report. They are grouped by reason code, credit analyst, or sales representative depending on the report sequence you select. The report lists chargebacks in decreasing amount within the report sequence you select and includes both sequence option and report totals.

If you select Transaction in the Currency Display field and leave the Currency Code field blank, the following logic applies to the report totals:

  • If the currency is the same for all chargebacks with the same chargeback reason code, the reason code total will be printed in transaction currency.

  • If the currency changes for chargebacks with the same chargeback reason code, the reason code total will be printed in company base currency.

  • If the currency is the same for all chargebacks on the report, the report total will be printed in transaction currency.