Defining currency codes

Currency codes are required for all companies. If your company conducts business in one currency, then you define only one currency code.

  1. To define a single currency code, access Currency Code (CU01.1).

    To define multiple currency codes, click Multiple Entry on CU01.1 to access Currency Codes (CU01.2).

    Note: To create a common language of currency codes, define currency codes based on the standard international currency and ISO country codes.
  2. Define a currency code for each currency in which your company conducts business. Two or more currency codes are required to perform currency exchange or currency translation.
  3. Specify this information:
    Forms Expression

    Use this field to specify an additional description of the code that prints on Lawson-defined printed forms such as checks.

    Number of Decimals

    This field determines the number of decimals used to display currency amounts.

    ISO Code

    Use this field to specify the alphanumeric International Standards Organization (ISO) currency code to associate with your user-defined code.

    ISO Number

    Use this field to specify the International Standards Organization (ISO) number associated with the country using the currency. This number is used in electronic transactions by third-party credit card processors.

Related reports and inquiries

To Use
List currencies Currency Codes Listing (CU201)