Generating a dunning letter file
- Access Dunning Letter File Generation (AR141).
Select the company and which type of file that you want
to generate: print, CSV, or both.
Note: The print file allows you to view the letters online and print them from your Lawson server. The CSV file can be exported.
In the Update field, select No to generate the letter
files without updating the history file. Select Yes to generate the
files and update the cycle status to printed.
Note: You must update the dunning cycle before you can proceed to updating the dunning records.
- In the Letter Format, select 00 - Standard for the ouput to be delivered in the Lawson standard layout or select 01 - Sweden for the Swedish layout. The default value is 00 - Standard.
To produce customized dunning letters on your PC,
the system names the CSV file DUNNCSV and puts it in the proper directory:
UNIX directory: $LAWDIR/ productline /work/DUNNCSV
Windows directory: %LAWDIR%\ productline \work\DUNNCSV
IBMi directory: /LAWDIR / productline /work/DUNNCSV