Defining Hold Codes

Hold codes are used in the Lawson Order Entry application or external systems to prevent orders from being processed. Hold codes do not limit any accounts receivable processing for a customer on hold. The Accounts Receivable application assesses and reports on hold codes only. This procedure describes how to set up hold codes.

To define a hold code

  1. Access Hold (AR16.1).
  2. Define hold codes, descriptions, and flag where the hold code can be applied. Use the following guidelines to enter field values:

    Select whether the hold code can be applied to a customer.


    Used by the Order Entry application. Select whether the hold code can be applied at the order level.


    Used by the Order Entry application. Select whether the hold code can be applied at the order line level.


    Used by the Order Entry application. Select whether inventory committed to the order/order line is released back into available inventory when this hold code is applied. Select Yes or No.


    Active Status. Select whether a Hold Code is either active or inactive. Valid values are: A = Active I = Inactive

Related Reports and Inquiries

To Use
List hold codes Hold Listing (AR216)