Maintaining vendors

Most day-to-day maintenance of vendor information is done in the application, using the same forms you would use to add a vendor. There may be times when the number of vendors impacted by a change is so large that it is not practical to change each record individually. Lawson provides several programs that can be used to change many vendor records at one time. This procedure describes the programs you can use to maintain vendors.

Maintain vendors

Run the appropriate program to update vendors.
To Run
Update vendor codes, such as applying a new payment term to a group of vendors. Mass Vendor Update (AP110)
Transfer a vendor's open invoices to another vendor in the same vendor group. (This is an effective way to merge records if you find you have duplicate records set up for a vendor.) Vendor Merge (AP115)
Delete historical one-time vendor records, no activity vendor records, or vendor comments. Invoice and Vendor History Purge (AP300)