Troubleshooting for payment closing (AP170)

If you receive an error message after running Payment Closing (AP170), use this section to perform some basic troubleshooting on the payment closing process.

Forms or tapes runs not processed for all bank accounts

These advisory messages, which might appear on the report generated by Payment Closing (AP170), specify that you have run Cash Requirements (AP150), but have not processed all of the scheduled payments:

  • Payment Forms Not Processed For All Bank Accounts

  • ACH Tape Runs Not Processed For All Bank Accounts

  • BACS Tape Runs Not Processed For All Bank Accounts

If you are unsure exactly where you are in the payment cycle, run the Cash Payment Register (AP265) with these parameters:

Field Parameter to use
Pay Group Same as on Payment Forms Creation (AP150)
Invoice Company Leave blank
Process Level Leave blank
Cash Code Leave blank
Payment Dates Leave blank
Report Option C (Current)
Document Currency Use default value
Payment Code Leave blank

After running this report, review the Status column with these considerations in mind:

  • A status of Scheduled means that Cash Requirements (AP150) has been run for this item, but a payment creation program (AP155, AP160, or AP161) has not yet been run. Run the appropriate payment creation program for any transactions that have a status of Scheduled. If any of those transactions were scheduled in error, and you have run at least one of the other payment creation programs scheduled by this run of Cash Requirements (AP150), you must run the appropriate payment creation program. You will then have to void and reinstate the invoices paid in error.

  • A status of Processed for system-generated payments means that both Cash Requirements (AP150) and a payment creation program (AP155, AP160, or AP161) have been run for this item, but Payment Closing (AP170) has not yet been run. If all items show as Paid or Open, you need to run Payment Closing (AP170) for the pay group or process group listed on the advisory message.

  • A status of Processed for manually specified payments indicates that payments have been specified on the Payment tab of Basic Invoice (AP20.1) or Taxed Invoice (AP20.2). Release the invoices that have payments attached and then you can run Payment Closing (AP170) for their pay group.

  • A status of Issued means that Cash Requirements (AP150), a payment creation program (AP155, AP160, or AP161), and Payment Closing (AP170) have been run for this item.

No payments are available for closing

The message "No Payments Are Available For Closing" means that no payment cycles are currently in progress and ready to close. If you need to find out where you are in the payment cycle, run Cash Payment Register (AP265) exactly as described in the section above.

Manual payments are not showing up

If manual payments do not show up when you run Payment Closing (AP170), use these trouble shooting tips:

  • If the manual payment was applied using the Payment tab on Basic Invoice (AP20.1) or Taxed Invoice (AP20.2), verify that the batch for this invoice has been released. Also, ensure you run Payment Closing (AP170) for the process level specified on this invoice.

  • If you are having problems locating a specific manual payment, run Payment Closing (AP170) for a blank process level and for each or your established process levels.

Journal entries went to error suspense

If some of your journal entries went to error suspense accounts after running Payment Closing (AP170), verify that all of the accounts you assigned to accounts payable processes are still active. These hold General Ledger account number references:

  • Company-Cash Code Relationship (CB00.3)

  • Company (AP00.4)

  • Invoice Accrual Code (AP05.2)

  • Discount Code (AP05.7)

  • Income Withholding Code (AP05.8)

  • Tax Company (TX00.1)

  • Tax Code Maintenance (TX02.1)