Programs that create general ledger transactions

In the Accounts Payable application, these six programs create transactions that are posted to the Lawson General Ledger application.

  • Payment Closing (AP170)

  • Invoice Distribution Closing (AP175)

  • Match Discount Accrual (AP176)

  • Bill of Exchange Distribution Posting (AP185)

  • Invoice Reinstatement (AP190)

  • Unrealized Gain/Loss (AP191)

These six programs create general ledger transactions, which are stored in the General Ledger Transaction file. If you use the General Ledger application, you must run Journal Posting (GL190) to post the journal entries to the account balances. The transaction date determines to which general ledger period an entry is posted. The transaction date is the payment date, posting date, void date, or cancel date, depending on the kind of entry being posted.