Output files
Expense Interface (EE520) updates these database files. The files that EE520 updates for a specific interface record depend on the kind of expense or distribution and the status. For information about the files, see data file help text for each file.
File | File Name |
Employee Expense | EEEXPENSE, DBAPEXP |
Expense Distribution Interface | EEDISTRIB, DBAPEED |
Advance-Expense Matching | EEMATCHING, DBAPEEM |
Accounts Payable Invoice | APINVOICE, DBAPAPI |
Invoice Payment | APPAYMENT, DBAPAPP |
Invoice Distribution (employee paid) | APDISTRIB, DBAPAPD |
Vendor Balance | APVENBAL, DBAPVBA |
Tax Transaction (optional) | TXTAXTRAN, DBTXTXD |