Defining asset attribute parameters in a listing

This procedure shows how to use asset attributes to generate a listing for an asset list or to add additional information to a listing.

Before you can use asset attributes in a listing, you must define the attributes and attribute lists you want to use. You must also assign values to each asset you want affected by the attributes. Using Attribute Matrix attributes

Use asset attributes in a listing

  1. Access the listing program you want to run (AM221, AM222, or AM223).
  2. Define the listing parameters using these guidelines:
    Additional Options tab: Asset List

    To limit the listing to only assets that are members of the list, specify or select the name of an asset attribute list in the List field.

    Note: If the list is automatic and contains a sort order, the listing follows the sort order. Manual lists cannot have a sort order.
    Output Options tab: Attribute

    To include the values of up to three attributes assigned to the assets included in the listing, select the attributes.

    Note: The values assigned to these attributes for each asset are printed on the listings, below the other asset information.