Purging Asset Management files

Use this procedure to remove obsolete or unwanted asset records for a company or company group from the Asset Management database files. You can remove any or all of these record types: adjustments, transfers, disposals, transactions, comments, URLs, or repairs.

There is no edit preventing you from deleting current data.

Purge asset records

  1. Access Historical Purge (AM300).
  2. Specify purge criteria using these guidelines to specify field values:

    You can specify a range of dates for the data to be purged. You do not need a date range if you are only deleting conversion numbers. If you are deleting company-specific records, you must specify a date range unless you want to delete current records.

    Company or Company Group

    If you select at least one of the company-specific files, you must select a company or a company group to which the purge is applied. You cannot select both.

    Asset Group

    (Optional) Select the asset group for the asset(s) records.

    Asset Type

    (Optional) Select the asset type for the asset(s) records.

    Sub Type

    (Optional) Select the sub type for the asset(s) records.

    Adjustment History, Transfer History, Disposal History, Reinstate History, Transactions, Comments, URLs, Repairs

    If you select a group or company group, you must select Y (Yes) in at least one of these fields to specify what type of record to purge. You can purge any or all of these records from the company or company group for the specified date range.

    Conversion Numbers

    Select Y (Yes) in this field to disassociate conversion numbers from the interfaced assets they helped create.

    Note: You will typically purge conversion numbers after all the non-Lawson asset, asset transaction, and asset attribute records have been successfully interfaced and there is no reason to keep a asset-to-conversion number cross-reference.

    Select whether to purge simulated assets along with the other assets (Y) , whether you do not want to purge simulated assets (N), or whether you want to purge only simulated assets (O). The default is N (No).


    If you select Y (Yes) in this field, the program creates a comma-separated value (CSV) archive file for each Asset Management database file affected by the purge and saves each file in this directory:

    $LAWDIR/ productline /work/ directory (UNIX)

    %LAWDIR%\ productline \work\ directory (Windows)

    /LAWDIR/productline /work/ directory

    AM300 always uses the same file names (one for each type of file). Any time you run AM300 with the Archive field set to Y (Yes), the previously generated purge files are overwritten with the new ones. To preserve a previously archived purge file, you must copy it to a different directory before running AM300 again.


    If you select Y (Yes) in this file, the program prints a report of what was purged. The default is N (No).