What fields can be adjusted?

You can adjust almost any fields except for the asset number. Some field changes generate journal entries. Some field changes also require you to change other fields.

If you change this field on this form) You should also change this field (on this form) JE generated?
Asset description Asset group Asset tag Division Currency Owner (AM20.2, AM21.2) NA No
Location (AM20.1, AM21.2) AND a location detail exists Location detail (AM20.3, AM21.3) No
Type Account group Accounting unit group Default accounting unit NA Yes
Inventory (AM20.2, AM21.2) AND new value is Yes

Bar code (AM20.3, AM21.3)

Note: If the asset becomes part of the physical inventory, the bar code field must have a value)
Work in process Tax exempt Simulated Used (Category Options tab, AM20.1, AM21.2) NA Yes No Yes No
Item description (AM20.3, AM21.3) NA No
Item purchase date (AM20.3, AM21.3)

Date (AM20.4)

Note: Change if you want the purchase date and in-service date to match.
Item cost (AM20.3)

Basis (AM20.4)

Note: You cannot change the basis of a leased asset.

Basis (AM20.4)

Note: You cannot change the basis of a leased asset.
Item cost (AM20.3) Yes
In-service date (AM20.4, AM21.4) Item purchase date (AM20.4, AM21.4) No
Life (AM20.4, AM21.4)

Remaining Life (AM20.4, AM21.4)

Note: If the Calculate Remaining Life system option is set to Yes on System Options (AM16.1), this field is recalculated automatically if applicable.