Moving activities

Use this procedure to move a summary or detail activity to a new activity group or summary activity. If you move a summary activity, then all detail activities associated with the summary activity are moved. You can move one summary activity to another summary activity.

Procedure flow: Moving activities
  1. Access Mass Activity Move (AC10.5).
  2. Select the activity you want to move. Use these guidelines to specify the field values:
    Move Activity

    Specify or select the summary or posting activity you want to move. The activity must already exist on Activity (AC10.1)

    Effective Date

    Specify the date the move is effective. If you leave this field blank, then the system date defaults.

    Note: This is the date that the system will move all transactions for the activity. This does not represent the effective date for the transactions that will be moved. That is, the system cannot move only select transactions for an activity based on transaction dates.
  3. Select where the specified activity is to be moved. Use these guidelines to specify the field values:
    Activity Group or Summary Activity

    Select the activity group or summary activity to which you want to move the activity. The activity group must already exist on Activity Group (AC00.1) or the summary activity must exist on Activity (AC10.1).

    If you select an activity group, then leave the Summary Activity field blank. If you select a summary activity, then leave the Activity Group field blank.

  4. If billing has been previously run for the activity, then run Billing and Revenue Backout (BR140) to update billing and revenue history records.
  5. You must run Level Reorganization (AC120) to move the activity. See Reorganizing activity levels.