Creating Subcontractor Time and Material entries

You can use Subcontractor Time and Material Entry to track time for individuals that work for companies with whom you have contracted for services, or for materials used for a contract. Transactions are created by vendor, employee, asset, equipment or person for activities, and when the entry is released, an invoice is created automatically in Accounts Payable for payment. Use this procedure to create subcontractor time or materials entries.

Before using Subcontractor Time and Material Entry, you must define and assign AC Person resources and rates. You must also complete set up tasks in the Lawson Accounts Payable application.

Procedure flow: Creating subcontractor time and material entries

Follow these steps to create a subcontractor time and material entry:

  1. Access Subcontractor Time and Material Entry (AC42.1).
  2. Define the time and material entry header information. Use these guidelines to specify the field values:

    Select the Accounts Payable company for the transaction. For information on defining a company, see the Accounts Payable User Guide.


    Select the vendor for which you want to generate and pay an invoice. For information on defining vendors, see the Accounts Payable User Guide.


    Specify a unique number to identify the invoice.


    Specify a description for the invoice.


    Select the currency for the invoice. If you leave this field blank, then the base currency for the company defaults.

  3. Click Defaults to access Default Information (AC42.3). You can use this subform to define default activity, General Ledger, and Strategic Ledger information for the detail lines in the entry.
  4. Define the detail lines for the entry. Use these guidelines to specify the field values:

    Select the activity for the transaction.

    Acct Cat

    Select the account category for the transaction.


    Select the resource type for the entry. Valid resource types are:

    • Employee

    • Asset

    • Vendor

    • Equipment

    • Person

    Note: If you select a resource type, you must enter a resource in the Resource field. For non-resource (material) lines, do not select a type.

    Select or verify the GL company for the resource.


    Select the resource for the transaction. The resource must be associated with the activity. Details about assigning resources to activities are found elsewhere in this user guide. See Assigning resources to activities (AC/BR).


    Specify the number of units.

    For resource (non-material) lines, the system calculates the entry amount by multiplying this number by the rate associated with the resource and activity. If the transaction is posted to a billable activity and bill rates are defined for the resource, then a billing amount is also calculated in the transaction. Details about how resource rates are determined during Subcontractor Time and Material Entry are found elsewhere in this user guide. See Resource rates (AC/BR).

    For material lines, you must specify a unit or an amount, or both.


    Specify a transaction date to identify when the time or material was spent. If you selected Transaction Date in the Date Edit field on Activity Group (AC00.1), then the date you specify here must fall within the date range of the activity you include on the line. Date ranges are defined on Activity (AC10).


    If you are entering a non-resource (material) line, specify the amount for the transaction. For a material line, you must specify a unit or an amount, or both.

    Note: You can not specify an amount for resource lines because the amount is calculated by the system.

    Specify a description for the transaction. If you leave this field blank, then the description in the time and material entry header defaults.

    Click More to enter additional information about the line, such as company , accounting unit, account, subaccount, resource description, reference, and attribute values.

  5. Click AP Information to access Accounts Payable Information (AC42.2). Use this form to define values for the invoice that will be created from the subcontractor time and material entry. Consider these tabs:
    Main tab

    Assign these information:

    • process level

    • post date

    • voucher

    • PO number

    • remit to location

    • invoice and due date

    • handling code

    • reason code

    • authority code

    • payment terms

      For more information about these concepts, see the Accounts Payable User Guide.

    Discount tab

    Assign these discount information:

    • an invoice receipt date

    • a discount amount, rate, and date

    • an allowable amount for discounts

    • a discount code

    • an anticipation flag

      For more information about these concepts, see the Accounts Payable User Guide.