Defining activity annual budgets

You can define activity budgets for three time frames: life only, annual, or period. An annual budget designates the total budgeted amount and units by year for an activity and account category. Period budgets are updated automatically when you define an annual budget. Use this procedure to define an annual activity budget.

Before you begin, you must define an activity budget header before you can define the activity budget. Define any necessary factors or spread codes that you will use to define the budget.

Follow these steps to define an annual budget:

  1. Access Annual Budget (AC20.2).
  2. Define the annual budget. Use these guidelines to specify the field values:
    Activity Group

    Select the activity group associated with the activities for which you want to define budgets.


    Select the posting activity for which you want to define a budget.

    Account Category

    Select the account category for which you want to define a budget. Assign the account category to the activity you selected in the Activity field.

    Budget Number

    Select the budget number you defined in the header for this budget. See Defining activity budget headers.

    Note: When defining budgets for multiple activities, be consistent with budget numbers. For example, if you are defining an approved project budget for the year 2002, and you have determined that budget 200 identifies the 2002 approved project budget, then use budget 200 for all activities.

    Select one of these action codes as an alternative to specifying budget values in each year:

    • Last Year Actual (A): Copies last year's actual amounts and units into the budget.

    • Last Year Budget (B): Copies last year's budget amounts and units into the budget.

    • Compute Amount (C): Uses a compute statement to calculate the budget amounts. You must specify a compute statement.

    • Compute Units (U): Uses a compute statement to calculate the budget units. You must specify a compute statement.

    • Duplicate (D): Copies the budget amount you specify for the first year to blank years, stopping when a different budget value is encountered.

    • Spread (S): Spreads the annual budget values to periods using a spread code. Spread codes define the percentage of the total budget to populate in each period.

      Note: If you specify annual budget values in each year and you do not use the spread action or do not select a spread code, then the annual budget is spread equally across all periods.
    • Multi Year Spread (M): Spreads the total budget amount to all periods and years in the budget. Each period is given a budget amount that is proportionate to the number of days in the period.

      Note: For a Multi Year Spread budget, specify budget values in the first detail line only, and leave the year blank. Also, leave the Compute, Parameter, and Spread Code fields blank.
    Compute and Parameter

    These fields are used only if you are defining a budget using a compute statement.

    Spread Code

    If you selected the Spread action, then select a spread code to control how the annual budget is spread across periods. Spread codes contain percentages that determine the percentage of the annual budget amount and units to populate in each period. You can define spread codes using Spread Codes (AC23.1).


    Specify the year(s) for which you are defining the activity budget. Ensure that the year is within the date range for the activity and the Life Only option on Activity Budget Header (AC20.7) is set to No.

    Leave this field blank if the Action field is set to M (Multi Year Spread).


    Specify the annual budget amount for the activity. You can use the amount in conjunction with the Spread, Multi Year Spread, and Duplicate actions.

    Note: For the Multi Year Spread option, and you do not want to use the annual budget amount, use the total for the date range specified in the budget header.

    As an option, you can define a factor and units or a rate and units and the application will automatically calculate the amount.

    Define activity budget amounts in the budget currency.


    Select a factor to calculate the annual budget amount using budget units and a standard rate. The system multiplies the budget units times the rate defined in the factor. You can define factors on Global Factors (FB00.1).


    Specify a rate to calculate the annual budget amount based on budget units times the rate.


    Specify the annual units for the activity group. As an option, you can define a factor and units or a rate and units and the application will automatically calculate the amount.