Assigning General Ledger accounts

Use account assignments to associate a General Ledger accounting structure (company/accounting unit/account) with a Project Accounting activity structure (activity group/activity/account category). If the activity group's GL Acct Assignment option is set to 3 (Yes-Substitute error suspense) or 4 (Yes-Require valid assignment), then use this procedure to define General Ledger account assignments.

  1. Access Account Assignment (AC07.1).
  2. Define how you want to assign General Ledger Accounts. Use these guidelines to specify the field values:
    Activity Group

    Select the activity group to which you are assigning a General Ledger account structure.


    Select the posting activity to which you want to assign a General Ledger account structure.

    Account Category

    Select the account category to which you want to assign a General Ledger account structure.

    Note: General Ledger account assignments are dependent on account category assignments and account edit options. You can use sample tables as references.

    See General Ledger account assignments.

  3. Define the General Ledger information you want to assign. Use these guidelines to specify the field values:

    Select the type of General Ledger information you are assigning to the activity structure on each line:

    1 - Company

    2 - Accounting Unit

    3 - Account

    4 - Subaccount (optional)

    Inc or Exc (Include or Exclude)

    To build a table of GL accounts that are valid for the activity and account category combination, select Include.

    To build a table of GL accounts that are not valid for the activity and account category, select Exclude. Any GL accounts except the ones you specify is considered valid for the transaction.

    Note: You cannot use include on some lines and exclude on others.
    Beginning Value and Ending Value

    Specify the value ranges for the companies, accounting units, accounts, and subaccounts you want to include (or exclude) for the activity and account category.


    You can select the Or field to build multiple sets of General Ledger information. See this example for details.

    Note: You must specify General Ledger information in order by company, accounting unit, and account.