Reorganizing activity levels

Use this procedure to reorganize activity group or activity level structures and to update new level addresses. This program processes level structure changes that were already defined. For example, activities are reorganized based on the selections made on Mass Activity Move (AC10.5). These changes are not processed until you run this program with the Update Unprocessed Changes report option.

Note: You can also define single activity structure changes by defining a new level address on the Levels tab in Activity (AC10.1).

Before you begin, run Billing and Revenue Backout (BR140) to update billing and revenue history for the activities being reorganized. See Considerations for maintaining activity structures.

  1. Access Level Reorganization (AC120).
  2. Use these guidelines to specify the field values:
    From Activity Group

    Specify or select the activity group you want to reorganize activities from. Activities are reorganized based on your selections on Mass Activity Move (AC10.5).

    If you select a value in this field, then you must leave the Activities and List fields blank.


    Specify or select up to six specific activities you want to reorganize. The activity is moved to the activity group or summary activity identified on Mass Activity Move (AC10.5).

    If you select a value in this field, then you must leave the From Activity Group and List fields blank.

    Activity List

    Specify or select the activity list that contains that activities you want to reorganize. Any activity that is included in the list and used on Mass Activity Move (AC10.5) is moved based on the selections you made on AC10.5.

    If you select a value in this field, then you must leave the From Activity Group and Activities fields blank.

    Report Option

    Select a report option:

    • Report Unprocessed Changes

    • Update Unprocessed Changes

    • Report Historical Changes (default)

    Rebuild Balances

    Select Yes if you want to rebuild balances when you run this program. If the level reorganization is taking place within an activity group, then only consolidation balances, and not the transaction balances, are automatically rebuilt. This will speed up processing time for the reorganization. The default setting for this field is Yes.

    Note: As an option, you can run Balance Rebuild (AC580) to rebuild balances. This program gives you the option to rebuild only consolidation balances or to rebuild master file balances.

    See About rebuild programs.

    Update Effective Date

    Specify an effective date for the change. This is the date you defined when creating an activity structure change in AC10.1 (Activity) or AC10.5 (Mass Activity Move). When run in update mode, it will process changes with an effective date on or before the date specified in this field. The effective date on the moved records is cleared again.

    Note: This is the date that the system will move all transactions for the activity. This does not represent the effective date for the transactions that will be moved. That is, the system cannot move only select transactions for an activity based on transaction dates.
    History Report Dates

    Specify the beginning and ending dates for the history report date range.

Follow-up tasks

  • Existing billing and revenue amounts are not automatically recalculated after Level Reorganization (AC120) is run. If an account category that was formerly billable is no longer billable in the new activity structure, you must run Billing and Revenue Recalculation (BR190) to recalculate billing and revenue amounts before processing billing (BR120) or revenue (BR130) for the new activity structure. See Recalculating billing and revenue amounts after posting.