What Is the Infor Lawson Query Wizard?
The Infor Lawson Query Wizard (or simply, Query Wizard) extracts data from the Infor Lawson system and displays it in an Excel worksheet. The data can come either from the database tables or from an Infor Lawson application form. The wizard lets you select column heading titles, set worksheet titles, set selection criteria, sort results, and format the output. The resulting report can be saved as a definition file that can be used over and over to display up-to-the-minute data.
The Query Wizard also enables the Infor Lawson Drill Around feature in the worksheet. Drillable fields are automatically displayed so that you can click a drillable field in the worksheet and display related data pulled directly from the Infor Lawson database. In addition, you can create output files that Microsoft Word can use as source files for mail merges.
You can use the Query Wizard to define and create custom reports with live data. You can extract data from Infor Lawson into Excel, modify the data, and then use the Upload Wizard to load your changes back into Infor Lawson.