Data Sources
The first step in setting up a query is to choose where the data comes from. You have two options:
Infor Lawson Application Form. In this case, the Query Wizard constructs a Transaction service (AGS) call. If you search on application data, you select a form to base the query on. The query is limited to the fields that are available on that form.
Database Table. In this case, the Query Wizard constructs a Data service (DME) call to bypass the business logic and go directly into stored data. When you search the database tables, you are not restricted to searching fields on an individual Infor Lawson form. You can query all fields in a table. You can also add fields in related tables to the search.
The query source you choose defines the screen options you see in the Query Wizard, because Transaction (AGS) and Data (DME) calls require different information. Subsequent Wizard screens display the query source you chose in the screen title.