Payment Schedule Interface (LM551)
Run Payment Schedule Interface (LM551) to import non-Lawson lease payment information to the Lawson Lease Management application.
Process at a glance
Create the non-Lawson file in a format that can be imported into Lawson applications (for example, a CSV). The fields in the file must match the field in the Lawson Lease Interface file (LMPAYCNV (UNIX/Windows) or DBLMPCN (IBM i)).
Transfer the non-Lawson file to the target machine, using a transfer utility program (such as the winptxfr or ftp command). When you transfer the non-Lawson file, you rename the file for use in the Lawson system. For example, if you are transferring from Excel, use
winptxfr -u filename c:\\Data\\Excel\\excelfilename
where filename represents the Lawson file.
Load the file into the LMPAYCNV (UNIX/Windows) or DBLMPCN (IBM i) file, using an import command, such as
importdb productline LMPAYCNV (UNIX/Windows) filename where filename is the name you assigned when you transferred the file to the Lawson system.
View the data on Payment Schedule Interface Adjust (LM51.1), using the Next or Previous form actions.
Edit the data as needed. (You can add entire records, if needed).
Run Payment Schedule Interface (LM551) to load the lease information from this form into the Lease Management application.
Processing effect
You must first create the lease payment conversion file to be imported into the Lease Management application.
You can run the report for all run groups, all companies within one run group, or one company within one run group. If you do not specify either run group or company, the report is for all run groups. If you specify a company, you must also specify a run group.
For UNIX/Windows platforms: The data is stored in the Lease Payment Conversion file (LMPAYCNV ). When you run LM551, the system reads records in this file for conversion or interface into the LMPAYDTL file. You can use Payment Schedule Conversion Adjust (LM51.1) to add records to the LMPAYCNV file or maintain records already stored in LMPAYCNV before conversion or interface to the Lease Management application.
For IBM i platform: The data is stored in the Lease Payment Conversion file (DBLMPCN). When you run LM551, the system reads records in this file for conversion or interface into the DBLMLPD file. You can use Payment Schedule Conversion Adjust (LM51.1) to add records to the DBLMPCN file or maintain records already stored in DBLMPCN before conversion or interface to the Lease Management application.